“Suffering, Perseverance and Hope: Two Views of Romans 5:1-5 and their Implications for Pastoral Care” Journal of Baptist Theology in Context 8 (2023), 30-49.
“Discipling Churches: Reflections on Jesus’ Prayer in John 17” in Seeds of the Church: Towards an Ecumenical Baptist Ecclesiology (eds) Henk Bakker, Steven Harmon, Beth Newman, Teun van der Leer Eugene: Cascade 2022, 109-118.
“Chaplaincy at Glasgow City Mission” in Trajectories in Chaplaincy (ed Neil E. Allison Glasgow: Baptist Union of Scotland 2022, 61-65
“Real People, Real Lives: Biblical Perspectives on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking” in (ed Dan Pratt) Slavery Free Communities: Emerging Theologies and Faith Responses to Modern Slavery London: SCM 2021, 57-77.
With Duncan A.P. Angus “Mental Illness and Moral Responsibility: A Clinical Psychiatric Perspective” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (2020), 191-211.
“Resilient Readers: Spiritual Growth and the Bible” Journal of European Baptist Studies 19 (2019), 83-94.
“In Whose Interests? Ante-Bellum Abolitionism, the Bible, and Contemporary Christian Ethics” Perichoresis 16 (2018), 41-60.
“Utrpeni, naděje a svatost: Dva pohledy na Ř 5,1-5 a jejich dűsledky propastoraci” Telogicka Reflexe 24 (2018), 57-68.
“Sheer Grace: Psalm 88, Depression and the Dark Night of the Spirit” Communio Viatorum 59 (2017), 160-176.
“The Bible, Character Ethics, and Same-Sex Relationships” Baptistic Theologies 9:1 (2017), 78-91.
“Circumcision of the Heart: Extrinsic and Intrinsic Religiosity in Romans 1–5” Expository Times 128 (2017), 376-84.
“Feed My Lambs: Some Pastoral Implications of a Biblical Metaphor” Baptistic Theologies 17:2 (2015), 10-24.
“Grown Up Religion: Polemic and Pastoral Practice in Paul’s Letter to the Galatians” Expository Times 127 (2015), 105-113.
“Conversation on a Train: Reflections on the Bible and Christian Discipleship” Journal of European Baptist Studies 15 (2014), 58-70.
“Difficult Texts: Colossians 3.22 – slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything” Theology 117 (2014), 203-205.
“The Harlot, the Beast and the Sex Trafficker: Reflections on some Recent Feminist Interpretations of Revelation 17-18” Expository Times 122 (2011), 218-227.
“Deep Heat and Bandages? Historical Criticism, Bounded Indeterminacy, and Pastoral Care" Evangelical Quarterly 82 (2010), 340-352.
“Loving, Discernment and Distance: Pastoral Care in Schizophrenia” Journal of Pastoral Care and Counselling 60 (2006), 227-239.
“Fine Madness: Psychosis, Faith Communities and the Rehabilitation of the Christian Apocalypse” Expository Times 117 (2006), 360-365.
“For Now we Live: Paul’s Pastoral Leadership in 1 Thessalonians” Themelios 30 (2005), 23-41.
“Two Sermons” in The Journal of the College of Preachers 2005, 105-6.
(Numerous book reviews)