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Celebrating IBTS 75 Years: Why Theology?


Facilitators: Kieryn Wurts, Matt Norman

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We are excited to celebrate the 75th anniversary of IBTS by hosting an event to explore the theme ‘Why Theology?’.

After 75 years the mission and values of IBTS are as relevant as ever. In exploring the question ‘Why Theology?’ we have in mind the broad sweep of global events since the founding of IBTS and how our theology is developing to inform our engagement in society and shape witness to Christ in everyday life. We may reflect for example on the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet era; the invention of the internet and the beginning of the digital age; the question of continuing colonial influences and power structures in our ‘postcolonial’ political order; various civil and human rights movements, including Black Lives Matter and #MeToo; growing environmental crises; war and civil conflicts; and humanitarian crises. 

A Conference to Celebrate 75 Years of IBTS (May 15–17, 2024)

We are inviting contributions from women and men serving in a wide variety of situations including ministry and mission contexts as well as other vocations.

We want to encourage contributions from practitioners and academics alike, knowing that many practitioners are theologically reflective, and many academics engage lived realities in their work. We hope that this event will further encourage mutual dialogue and sharing that will enhance the work of both practitioners and academics.

Contributions can take the form of stories and testimonies which reflect on the presenter’s lived experience; they might explore areas where theology has shaped a situation and contributed towards tangible change or, conversely, they might bear witness to situations where it was a struggle to see how theology was relevant. As a practitioner, we invite you to reflect on the changes that have taken place in your own situation and experience and how these have challenged and shaped the way you think about your faith. As academics, we invite you to use your presentation to make links between these global changes and the development of your own discipline. We ask that contributions from those involved in academic theology be presented in terms that are accessible to those from non-academic situations and who do not have English as a first language. 

Contributions may also be thematic, for example drawing on the focuses of the various IBTS Learning Network groups such as Freedom of Religion and Belief, Arts and Mission, Youth Leadership, Ethics, Violence against Women, Creation Care, and Missional Leadership.

The conference itself will take the form of a multi-voiced conversation which will be informed and stimulated by the contributions made by practitioners and academics. Contributions may be given in small-group settings or in a plenary setting to best shape and facilitate open-minded and open-hearted interaction. The conference will be an in-person event though we would consider a video contribution in special circumstances where someone is not able to travel due to limitations caused by war and other restrictions. 

To propose a contribution please send a short summary (up to 250 words) to Mike Pears (pears@ibts.eu) and if you have any questions or would like to explore an idea please arrange a conversation with Mike. 

More Information


Wednesday 15 May (16.00) to Friday 17 May (13.00) Including celebration meal on Thursday 16 May (evening)


The event will be convened by two members of the IBTS Learning Network team: Kieryn Wurts and Matt Norman


The conference cost including meals and coffee is 75 Euros. For those who can afford extra we invite you to donate an additional 25 Euros which will be used to assist those travelling from poorer situations. Accommodation and travel are not included.


These are available for some participants. To receive a scholarship application please email to Anna Ujvári. Email Anna

More Information


Wednesday 15 May (16.00) to Friday 17 May (13.00)

Including celebration meal on Thursday 16 May (evening)


The event will be convened by two members of the IBTS Learning Network team: Kieryn Wurts and Matt Norman


The conference cost including meals and coffee is 75 Euros. For those who can afford extra we invite you to donate an additional 25 Euros which will be used to assist those travelling from poorer situations. Accommodation and travel are not included.


These are available for some participants. To receive a scholarship application please email to Anna Ujvári. Email Anna

Celebrating IBTS 75 Years: Why Theology?

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